Kamlesh is a young change-maker from Ujjain. He has worked on Value-Based Education with “Labhya Foundation”, in Delhi, and on the basics of Social Emotional Learning. He has worked with Parwarish on child sexual abuse. He has been a core team member to Youth Alliance for its rural immersion program named Gramya Manthan. He holds a strong commitment to live on his values and to live a sustainable life within & around a rural community. Besides leading Human Resource and some ground operations in organisation, he can be seen investing in Youth Development Activities on his own. He is a Graduate in Philosophy from the University of Delhi, his interests on inner journey leads him to dive deeper into internal transformation of one's being and how can one be on a spiritual journey. He also spends his time reading books, watching movies, travelling and writing poems, stories and articles on relative issues around the humankind and the world too.